When it comes to personal projects, It feels like I just can't get anything done. I start something, get halfway through, and then 95 % of the time, I just abandon it. I have done a lot of thinking over why this is. I always deliver my work finished and on time. Whether it is for a collaborative or for my job, I never seem to have the same problem finishing things. I know that laziness isn't an issue for me, so what is it? What is stopping me from getting my ideas out and done? I have put so much time in my work, only to let dozens of personal projects disappear in a digital twilight zone. Why Can't I get it Done? Focus: When I am at work, its easy to stay focused. I have a list of tasks and a set of goals I want to complete each day, I am pretty dedicated to hitting all of my deadlines and making sure my work meets expectations, but when it comes to my personal life, I can't seem to do it, I start something, but I don't know exactly where I am...